声光报警器_烟雾报警器_usb转换器 - 北京易优控科技有限公司



BX Series Ball Valves


  • Can be used in a wide range of applications, from general purpose to critical-service applications

  • Keep system media where it belongs, control fugitive emissions and leakage

  • Are offered in high flow and quick-quarter turn manual or pneumatic actuation

  • Have been engineered for repeatable, leak-tight shutoff

  • Have low overall cost of ownership

  • Can be manufactured or configured to a wide range of specifications


Working Pressure up to 3000 psig (206 bar)
Temperature –65 to 300° F (–53 to 148°C)
Flow Coefficient 0.05 to 12
Body Materials Stainless steel, brass, alloy 400
Packing Materials PTFE, modified PTFE, UHMWPE, PEEK
End Connections
   Size 1/16 to 3/4 in.; 3 to 12 mm
   Configurations On-off (2-way), switching (3-way, 5-way, and 7-way), crossover (4-way and 6-way)


进口生物材料试验机| 车库co浓度监控系统| 集中供料系统| SEDEX75蒸发光检测器| Dillon测力表| 动物精子分析仪| 钨丝| 单人单面洁净工作台| 运动粘度测定器| 车充定位器| 柴油发电机组| 高压开关特性测试仪检定装置| 洛阳压路机| 罗茨真空泵厂家| UB型玻璃板液位计| IFM传感器| 石墨烯板框过滤器| 实验台潍坊| 成都优浦| 圆盘桨叶干燥机| 深圳市领航智造自动化| 除味母粒| 大容量恒温摇床厂家| 轴承检测仪| CCS船用电缆| 氟化工废水处理设备| 等离子电源| 辐射仪| Disrad分散机| 戴南不锈钢卷筒加工| 血液溶浆机| 真空泵维修| 电焊网片| 菌落高通量筛选工作站| 穿孔铝板复合| 3NH分光测色仪| [东莞创远]激光设备应用解决方案提供商| 循环水式多用真空泵| 高低温交变湿热试验箱| 双液系沸点测定仪| 养殖场洗消中心|